March 28, 2024
Trademark Wagon starts sending a certificate of trademark registration issued electronically in PDF format as from April 1st, 2024.
February 13, 2024
Japan Patent Office starts to issue electronic certificates of trademark registrations (and patents, and utility model and design registrations) as from April 1st, 2024.
October 04, 2023
Japan used to adopt two-timing payment system for International Registration designating Japan under the Madrid Protocol. The system has changed as from April 1st, 2023.
April 11, 2019
The Japan Patent Office publishes a yearly report that contains more than 250 pages of the statistics data. Let's look at what the data suggests.
November 05, 2018
These days, trademark examination takes much longer than it used to in Japan. Accordingly, the article "How Long Does it Take to Register a Trademark in Japan?" has been updated.
November 01, 2018
A new page "Trademark Renewal Period in Japan" has been added to our website.
June 20, 2018
This blog post is about trademark examination guidelines for similar goods and services edited by the Japan Patent Office.
April 20, 2018
April is a start of something new in Japan.
February 01, 2018
Finding a good trademark or patent firm in other countries is hard. Where and how to find it would be a common concern to business owners. If you can get a list of trademark and patent firms, it will save you valuable time and energy. Here is an international directory of IP law firms and individual patent and trademark attorneys maintained by IP-Coster: Clicking Japan from the IP-Listing, there is a list of Japanese patent and trademark firms, including us - Trademark Wagon...
November 17, 2017
New page "FAQ" has been added to our website. Hope our Frequently Asked Questions answer your questions.