New page "Requirements for Filing a Trademark Application in Japan" has been added to our website.

What are items of information needed to file a trademark application?


Please find them out on our website page "Requirements for Filing a Trademark Application in Japan".

It can be found under "Trademark Services" --> "Trademark Registration" --> "Requirements for Filing a Trademark Application in Japan".


Give your Japanese Patent Attorneys as much information about your trademark as possible

For overseas clients, unless you are represented by a local attorney, you are generally communicating with your Japanese Patent Attorneys via email. I understand that preparing an email that covers all necessary information about a trademark at the time of filing of a new trademark application is a time-consuming process especially to those who are not familiar with trademark systems.


Yet, it is worth taking sufficient time to do that. If there is not enough information, it is difficult for the Japanese Patent Attorneys to determine details of a new trademark application in a way that achieve the best possible result during the examination stage as well as after trademark registration.


It is recommended providing such information as how and on or for what products or services your trademark is or will be used, whether the trademark is currently used or from when it will be used, and so on. Even if such information is not asked for by your Japanese Patent Attorneys, I can assure you that it is definitely useful to them thus to you.

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