New page "Trademark Registration Procedure" has been added to our website.

Are you thinking about registering your trademark in Japan?

Or, you might have already filed a trademark application in Japan, but haven't heard its result from your representative for some months since then. If so, you might have started wondering what's going on with your trademark application or whether anything went wrong.


It is time to learn the overview of trademark registration process in Japan. It will give you an idea of what is happening with your trademark application and what you expect next.


Please find out what procedures come before and after filing of an application in our website page "Trademark Registration Procedure".

It can be found under "Trademark Services" --> "Trademark Registration" --> "Trademark Registration Procedure".


Japan might be more or less far away from your country geographically or culturally or both. Yet, I believe it would be rather easy to understand the Japanese trademark registration process because of the similarities you can find with the system in your country wherever you are.

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